July 24, 2017

How to Keep Your Pets Safe at Home

How to Keep Your Pets Safe at Home

You love and care for your pet, but when was the last time you checked to make sure that your home was as pet-safe as possible?

We’ve put together a short list containing some of the ways you can help create a safer, more secure home for the entire family (and you’ll want to share it!):

  1. Set up pet gates

    Make sure that (whether you are home or away) your pets are unable to get into areas of the house that they shouldn’t be, with a pet gate! Protip: look for an extra tall gate for denying access to cats!

  2. Make climbing easier with pet stairs

    One of the simplest ways for your pet to accidentally injure themselves (especially elderly ones) is by slipping and falling when trying to reach high-up places like a bed or window seat. With stairs, access is so much easier!

  3. Close off garbage bins

    Human food is not typically safe to dogs or cats. Make sure your garbage bins are sealed with special pet-safe locks, and lower the risk they might eat something they shouldn’t. (And minimize the potential of a mess!)

  4. Put away chemicals, cosmetics, and pills

    This one is super important. Your pet is just as, if not more, likely to get into cabinets, bureaus, and desks to access cleaning supplies, cosmetics, and pills. Make sure yours are not only put away but inaccessible at all times! All it takes is just a few seconds.

  5. Tie off loose wires and cables

    While it may seem inconsequential, a loose wire from a home phone, TV, or computer is a prime target for being chewed or tripped on. Tie them off and hide them away!

  6. Keep laundry out-of-reach

    We know what you’re thinking: “Laundry? Why do I have to move my laundry?” And the reason isn’t just so they don’t get their fur on your clothes. (That’s probably going to happen anyway.) No, you want to hide your clothes to make sure that your pet doesn’t chew off and swallow any buttons or strings.

  7. Check plants for toxicity to pets

    Unfortunately one of the top threats to dogs, cats, and other pets comes in the form of common household plants and flowers. So while that special bouquet that you just received may look nice, think twice before keeping it in your home. You’d be surprised how often pets get into these plants!

    The ASPCA has a handy website to help you identify some of the most common poisonous plants to pets.

  8. Keep windows and doors shut!

    In the hot summer months we all have a tendency to want to open up the windows and doors to let the fresh air in. But before you do, think of your furever friend! An open window (even with a mesh grate) is an easy target for your pet to rub against and fall from, and an open door is a temptation to explore the great outdoors.

    Consider opening your windows from the top only, and getting a screen door that latches if you absolutely need to let the outside air in. It’s for their health and safety!

What else do you do to help keep your pets safe at home? Sound off in the comments!