As much as we love and care for our pets each day, sometimes it is easy to forget how fast time flies by.
Think about it: when was the last time you looked back to the days when you first brought your best friend home? What about the first time you taught them how to sit, or speak? Or celebrated their birthday? There are so many great milestones to look back to as proud, loving pet owners.
So why is it so hard to focus on the good times with your animal companion when times get tough due to sickness, injury, or our friends passing on? The answer likely comes to one universal constant shared among humans and other creatures: fear of our own mortality.
But there are some great ways to focus on the good times that you’ve had with your animal companion, even after they’re gone:
Share memories and stories with family and friends
“But the thing about remembering is that you don’t forget.”
– Tim O’Brien, The Things They Carried
When you sit down with your closest friends, family, and others to share tales of the special times you shared with your pet, you’re creating another lasting experience. Bringing together the memory of what was, with the memories of a new positive event you share with loved ones, is a great way to focus on the good times.
You’ll find that talking about these life milestones together will bring about a sense of calm – maybe even joy – as you think about these events from a new perspective. You might even hear some new intimate details from someone else who had experiences of their own!
The goal is to remember. And if a storytelling session isn’t possible, write, write, write! You’ll likely find just as much power in writing a letter or poem to your pet.
Look back at old photos and videos
In this day and age it is so very common to have plenty of photos and even videos of your beloved pet, thanks to the portability of camera phones and action cameras. Take a moment every once and a while to look back at some of them. You’ll likely find yourself remembering much more than you thought you could!
You might even find some great stories hidden away in the recesses of your memory to go back and share. (And you should try to share! The more you do, the more that you might find kindred souls that find your insights helpful in getting closer to their animal companions.)
Hold onto a keepsake that represents the bond you share
Many pet owners find that having a special keepsake to hold onto is helpful for keeping their friends close, no matter how far away they are.
Some pet owners like to keep a favorite collar or leash, whereas others like to set up a shrine of sorts containing their favorite photos and keep one of their furry friends’ favorite toys.
We offer another alternative, with our line of personalized pet themed designer jewelry and accessories. You can upload your favorite photo and we’ll enclose it within a stylish pendant, keyring, or charm bracelet in gold or silver, so you can carry your animal companion with you at all times.
However you choose to focus on the good times with your pet, it is really important to remember that despite the bad that may have occurred, the good times will forever remain in your memory so long as you try to hold onto them in your heart. It is this action that will help all of us stay close, no matter what.
Do you have your own way that you prefer to remember your pet and focus on the good times? We’d like to know! Share your method in the comments below.
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